I finally got on here! sorry bout the wait. i finally get to show you guys some progress pics.this is my Fubuki cosplay!
and his make up so far (still trying to work this out his eye brows are hard!
well this is part of it, of course i have WAY more done then this but this is what i could get to stay together long enough to take a pic not to mention i look like crap(which is why my face is covered). I also made progress on my shigure cosplay but I have no pic at the moment. Sheik-Chan styled my shigure wig for me! (thanks sheik!!) With the con only a week away I'm starting to get very scared.the question is not "will I get them done?" It's "will i like them in the end or will they look like i had to throw them together?" if I'm not happy with them it wont be much fun to wear them :(.....but It'll be okay :) just a lil worried is all.......procrastination is the worst! wish me luck and pray if you religious cuz I'm gonna need all the help i can get! lol....also i would like to mention that sheik-Chan and Ne-Chan have been great! thanks to my cosplay group for all your help! I will finish them HOPEFULLY!!!!! this week end its a high goal to reach but I've been bribed with CANDY!!!! wow......i sound like a 6 year old........oh well! write you guyz again soon!
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