Hello you who reads this :)
I've actually made so

Before I begin to update you on the latest, I want to urge you to lift on the phone and do something for Haiti. What if it happened to you? We need more humanity in this world, We need to care more for our "brothers and sisters" all around and help eachother.
Okey, first things fi

So, after I attached the pattern, I cut it - 1 cm beside the pattern, the regular measurment for an allowance. And begun to sew! Right now I've cut and sewed/stitched (sp?) the left part of the coat, and I've cut out the right part. It Still needs some finishing touches like that I need to cut the length, right now it's draging beneath me - But I'll do that when I have the right shoes on! I released that Beatrix has pretty high heels, so I wanted to be sure by making the coat insanely long! I also stitched all the seems two times, one with regular seem and one zic-zac (? dunno if that's the right word in english..)
What's next? Well, I've to sew the right part together. After that I've to test it on myself and make some adjustments to make it follow my figure nicely, The I'll have to cut the shoulder part at the back and the shoulders to make it look more accurate. And then it's time for the lining!
Wordlist for you swedish readers:
courage= mod
allowance = sömnsmån
fabric = tyg
pattern paper = Mönster papper ?
nail/needle = Nål, i detta fall en synål med knopp på.
horizontal = Horisontal, är en riktning, denna riktning --------- inte |
Sp = Spelling, stavning. Sätts ofta i parantes efter ett ord man är osäker på hur det stavas.
high heels = Höga klackar
coat = Kappa
adjustments = förändringar
accurate = likt/exakt
lining = Fodring/Foder (det som finns i kappor och dylikt, inte foder som i mat.)
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