Mexico boasts a long tradition in the arts, renowned cuisine, and culture, and it ranks fifth in the world and first in the Americas on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites with 31. The national flower of Mexico is Dahlia.
Mexico is also a country with a rich political history which I will skip for now as I want to avoid any political debate ^^; I’m not much of a history student so I think its best I don't write things I know nothing of.
Mexican cuisine is known for its varied flavors, colorful decoration, variety of spices and ingredients, many of which are native to the country.
LOL I’m very amused by how the text in the corn cartoon fits the text so well xD
The word "chocolate" originates in Mexico's Aztec cuisine, derived from the Nahuatl word xocolatl. Chocolate was first drunk rather than eaten. It was used as currency and for religious rituals. In the past, the Maya civilization grew cacao trees and used the cacao seeds it produced to make a frothy, bitter drink.The drink, called xocoatl, and was often flavored with vanilla, chili pepper, and achiote (also known as annatto). Chocolate was also an important luxury good throughout pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, and cacao beans were often used as currency. Today chocolate is used in a wide array of Mexican foods, from savory dishes such as chicken mole to traditional Mexican style hot chocolate and champurrados, both of which are prepared with a molinillo.
Mexico is located at about 23° N and 102° W in the southern portion of North America. Almost all of Mexico lies in the North American Plate, with small parts of the Baja California peninsula on the Pacific and Cocos Plates.
It is on a mountainous terrain with 4 mountain range within it.
Many large cities in Mexico are located in the Valley of Mexico or in adjacent valleys with altitudes generally above 2,000 m (6,562 ft). This gives them a year-round temperate climate with yearly temperature averages (from 16 to 18 °C or 60.8 to 64.4 °F) and cool nighttime temperatures throughout the year. Seriously, what wouldn’t we sweaty Singaporeans give to experience that!
And because of its diverse climate, I guess mexicans or travellers there also seem to have a bigger variety of lifestyle to choose from. The winter view looks so beautiful T_T Why doesn’t Singapore snow???!!!!
Photos of Teotihuacan,
Due to its long history and Mesoamerica history, many gorgeous and astounding archaeological remains can be found in Mexico.
The long and rich history of the indigenous tribe/civilisation can be a little blood shrivelling to read. But the drastic cultural difference of the tribe from our modern conception, I admit, is immensely captivating and alluring to read. I’ve already watched 4 different documentaries of it xD
Year round sunshine, moderate temperatures, beautiful beaches and relatively inexpensive cost of travel make Sonora, Mexico, the Mexican state located to the south of Arizona, an ideal destination.
And of course I’m not gonna miss out this part. Much thanks to of course, Hiroky, for providing me with so much Mexican Cosplay websites to browse through. I’m sure what I have here barely scratches even the tip of the iceberg but hope you guys enjoy it anyway^_^ Click the names and link back to the original creator if you like their photos!
ExpoTNT is the official convention where Mexico’s WCS representatives are selected. It is usually held at Mexico City, which is the capital of Mexico.
Awesome cosplay at the World Cosplay Summit 2008
The Mexican Team also won the special “Brother” Award in 2007!
MUch thanks to Hiroky for highlighting this, WCS’s official website is such an as* to browse its hard to dig any information -_-
MUch thanks to Hiroky for highlighting this, WCS’s official website is such an as* to browse its hard to dig any information -_-
According to Hiroky, Paty is a mexican cosplayer that not only cosplays but also does a lot of cosplay event coverage too. Of course as you can see, she’s good at both ^_^. Visit her website for more event reports and pictures, Paty has an awesomely long list of Event Coverage articles at this page. And wow, Mexico has A LOT of events O_O!
Some lovely photos from Paty =)
And the photo pimps continues xD
Does another knows what character is that extreme right doing? It looks like some American comic but feel free to correct me =)!
Love the way the photographer edit the colours. They look so muted yet strong
The costume looks uncomftable but she looks like a figurine in the 2nd picture! (Hiroky’s Cosplay Blog) ( Official Cosplay site for Sonora, Hiroky is part of the organising team too ^_^! )
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*Exhales deeply* I never knew Mexico had such a long, deep, intriguing and fascinating history! All the mysteries of the lost civilisations, their alarmingly advanced architectural skills and knowledge in astrology and of course, their allegiance to their gods.All these made Mexico looks so amazing to me and I look forward to one day be able to see those breath taking architectures myself. In fact, I’ve watched like 4 different documentaries already =X
I’m also ashamed of my ignorance about the country. I always thought Mexico was a middle sized country with a tropical climate (WTH made me think that way?! Its obviously not within the tropical region! *Palms forehead* ) , everyone either wears a big round hat or a colourful poncho while munching on a Taco
Oh yes, and play the Ukulele all day all night.……*Long Pause* ………………………..Oh come on guys, comment and tell me I’m not alone on this silly stereotyping >.
On the bright side, this proves that Cosplay can be educational too :D
Ah, I digressed yet again. I’m sorry I focused so much on the history, heritage and cultural side of Mexico than its Cosplay community. But the land of the Mexicans just seemed to offer so much for me to talk about, its hard not to veer the attention away xD.
Hope you guys enjoyed the entry and remember to leave me a comment! I feed on them xD
Bibilography Links: (Mexico City, the capital) (Sonora, Hiroky’s state) (Sonora travel site)
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