If only we knew who the cosplayers were. Thanks to Fillet’s Minion for sending this in!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Black Rock Shooter: Black Rock Shooter, Dead Master, and Black Gold Saw
If only we knew who the cosplayers were. Thanks to Fillet’s Minion for sending this in!
Rodrigo del Papel Paper Toy - Qirrip
Rodrigo del Papel Paper Toy - Qirrip [Download]
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Blahs and More

It was an awesome August for this year!
Full of fun, excitement, thrill and what-not.
Hitsuzen VIP Kai as Ciel PhantomhiveI accompanied Kai in Davao in representing Bacolod for the SM Cyberzone Cosplay Tournament Finals. He cosplayed Ciel Phantomhive from the anime series Black Butler. He did an awesome job and I did saw a great improvement from him. I didn't regret to say YES when he asked me to come w/ him as his cosplay duo for the finals. We supposed tp have a short musical skit for his act, but little did we know that human props are not allowed (which we thought that it wouldn't be an issue since it wasn't disclosed on their general guidelines or EVEN in the waiver).
Anyways! It's fun to meet new people! new cosplayers! and new friends! We first met CDO cosplayer Lexter : Optimus Prime followed by the lovely ladies during Kai's rehearsals (Zhel, Yuki and Maki). Cool.
Congratulations to Optimus Prime! Oyeah! We weren't able to see him after the event,just in case you happen to read this, I do congratulate you for winning and for being so kind and friendly!
Yuki! you're such a great Suguinto! Maki, my co-PA, thanks for the companionship and photo tips! and ofcourse! Zhel! Thank you very much for showing us Davao's hospitable nature and also to your friends, Dennis, En, Ms. Joy (Ambox) and the rest of the guys, thanks for showing us around.
EMI! dance goddess.♥ haha hope to see you guys next time. And of course! I love Hiro's Place, i love their onigiris ♥
VisMin contestants
We failed to eat durian, but we'll take the challenge next time.
If we only had a spare day.. gee. Anyways! let's just keep our fingers crossed.
and YES! We are already ending August and the FUN doesn't stop there!.
Hitsuzen Inc will be celebrating it's first birthday! :) To my fellow Hitsuzen, Let's celebrate life, companionship and victory! YATTA!
and Animotion is really in motion! I'm already registered! WAAA! Just wake me up when September ends! haha
See ya!
Official Mitsubishi Fuso Papercraft (Trucks and Buses)
Official Mitsubishi Fuso Papercraft (Trucks and Buses) [Download]
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Soft Serve Ice Cream Papercraft
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Monday, August 30, 2010
Mononoke: Kusuriuri 02
I’m guessing this is what the Medicine Seller looks like right before his transformation. Another impressive cosplay by Federkiel of Deviant Art! Thanks to *Des-Henkers-Braut, her photographer and Syazel for sending this in!
Soul Eater Maka Albarn Uncanny Sword and The Soul that Persisted

Uncanny Sword
Maka is seen with Soul, Shinigami, Stein, Death the Kid, Liz and Patti in the Death Room, welcoming Black Star and Tsubaki back from their successful mission against Masamune. Maka congratulates the two and is seen watching as Black Star attempts to use Tsubaki's new Uncanny Sword form, but fails as it is still too powerful for him.
The Soul that Persisted
Maka, witnessing Stein give Black Star a way to make his soul stronger in order for him to wield Tsubaki's Uncanny Sword form, tells Stein to give her training as well. She is told by Stein to find a way to make herself stronger in her own unique way like Black Star does. Afterward, she goes to visit Soul to remind him of the party being thrown for Black Star and Tsubaki's first soul as well as Soul coming out of the hospital. She shows signs of distress upon seeing Soul's scar that he obtained from protecting her, and continues to blame herself.
During the party, Maka senses Witches in Death City, which are Eruka and Mizune fighting against Medusa. Maka reaches the spot at the same time Dr. Stein did and both see Medusa, who is disguised as the school's nurse. After the three talk about the possible culprit, Soul appears, worried about Maka since she just ran off. The worried Soul makes Maka realize that she must accept what had happened to Soul and work hard not to get him hurt again. Maka then places her hand on Soul's chest, much to his surprise, and tells Stein she has found a way to make her soul stronger.
Adventure Time - Tree Trunks Papercraft
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Official SpongeBob SquarePants Papercraft
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CAN_FAM Paper Toys - White Color Serie n° 1
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PHIL x Gubi Gubi Paper Toy
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Borderlands Papercraft - Marcus Bobblehead
Hat tip to reader Bburk for the photos and links.
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Kinda funny to see Tashigi in the still above xD. Anyway, enjoy !!!
EDIT: HOMG LAH, Kaname is SO Generous. He actually allowed the camera crew (and essentially the whole world) see his whole make up process plus letting everyone in on his little intimate cosplay secrets (padding) ??!!! I would never have the guts to do that !
Would you allow a camera crew to film you before you are ready?
Panda Z Papercraft (Mecha)
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Polwan Papercraft (Polisi Wanita)
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Lord of War - Hoophy Paper Toy
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES: Metis
Metis is symbolized with a wreath of red butterflies, and is fiercely protective of her “sister”, Aigis.
Impressive armor detail on this cosplay! I wonder what she used to make her armor? Thanks to Syaza for this contribution!
Pokemon Gulpin Papercraft
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[via Tektonten]
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Abrams P1 Explorer Papercraft (Aircraft)
The Abrams P1 Explorer was a one-of-a-kind single-seat aerial surveying / mapping aircraft built in the late 1930s.
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Saturday, August 28, 2010
HeartCatch PreCure!: Cure Marine
Well, you’d be wrong, because I get surprises like this in my inbox quite often!
To be completely honest, the first character that came to mind when I saw this was Sailor Mercury from Sailor Moon… a stylized version of her anyway! But I’m pretty sure this is not the case.
You guys know the drill, comment and discuss who she could be in the comments, but I hope you guys can leave your name next time so that I can credit you properly if you guess right! So many anonymous comments… I wonder if it’s because they don’t want people to know that they’re reading Cosplay Holic? In any case, thanks to Paton Saint for sending this in!
EDIT: Thanks to St. Arcana among many others for letting me know this is Cure Marine from HeartCatch PreCure!
Madmo Mummy Paper Toy (Halloween 2010)
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Friday, August 27, 2010
Gyakuten Saiban 4: Naruhodo Minuki
This is a pretty cool cosplay of Minuki with a Mr. Hat to boot! I’m not even sure how she managed to carry that puppet beside her… Thanks again to Ophelia for sending this in!
Rodrigo del Papel Paper Toy - Pandacrew
Rodrigo del Papel Paper Toy - Pandacrew [Download]
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The Game Xpo 2010: Day 2, Photo Pimp 1
Leave a comment if you support cvy cosplaying more MOE girls!!!!!!!
The incident just made me felt so............. bad about myself.
I felt useless to know that, in the face of violence, I was so helpless. I didn't know what to do and didn't know what I should do. Worse of all, at the back of my mind, I was most afraid of being thought of as a busybody intruder
the skills to fight 10 gangsters off by themselves and are all passionately chivalrous and heroic. And you get pulled into thinking that that is the norm.
Valefor must have casted Voodoo on it because it attacks human!
Do you think he deserved it if hypothetically assuming he did touched the girl? What would you have done if you were in my shoe?