Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Giveaway 122509 - Winners

Mario and Yoshi T-Shirt
Selection has been done, have a look inside..

And the lucky winners (yup there are 2 tshirts ^^) of our Christmas Giveaway 122509 are RXSIU [charx.siu AT] and Skelekitty [Skelekitty72 AT], Congratulations!

Winners, please get in touch with me via email, include your name and address so I can ship the shirts asap.

Selection was done by's List Randomizer, snapshot is included below. You might also notice that out of the 90 entries only 60 are listed, that's because some of you didn't follow the required email format - "@" sign should be converted to "AT", space after the USERNAME, and space before the DOMAIN.


And to those that didn't win, thanks for participating, don't fret - you can try again on Tuesday ^^.

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